How do I create an online account?
Meridianbet online betting account can be created in the option Registration.
Meridianbet online betting account can be created in the option Registration.
Your username is your e-mail address from registration of the Meridianbet account.
Username is your e-mail address you entered on registration
Nalog možete verifikovati brzo I jednostavno kroz opciju Verifikuj se koju možete pronaći u dva klika: Moj nalog - Verifikuj se.
Uputstvo kako brzo da dozvolite pristup kameri na Desktop/mobilnoj verziji i aplikaciji.
Nalog možete kreirati na Desktopu putem opcije Brza registracija, koja se nalazi u okviru registracione forme.
Nalog možete kreirati putem Brze registracije na Android i iOs mobilnoj verziji, pretraživač ili aplikacija.
You received your account number in an e-mail upon registration.
There are two accounts within your online account: Bonus and Cash.
After login, your current password can be changed in My Account in the Change Password sub-option on the left side.
All data related to your online account can be found in the My Account option.
Considering the high security standards we follow, and in order to be able to protect the privacy of your account, its details and funds in it, an account must be verified.
Proces verifikacije je neophodno obaviti nakon uspješne registracije Meridianbet naloga za klađenje.
Rezolucija kao i veličina fajla dokumenata nije bitna sve dok se na dokumentima jasno vide svi Vaši podaci potrebni za verifikaciju naloga.
Ukoliko dostavljate sliku lične karte, potrebno je da dostavite fotografije obije strane dokumenta kako bi verifikacija bila uspješna.
The account is created based on personal data from identification documents.
The way you entered your username and password for the first time, in registration, regarding lowercase or capital letters, shall be the only valid way for each login attempt you make on Meridianbet site.
There is no option of multiple registration of users.
In order for the user to use all services and products of Meridianbet betting shop, it must be over 18, that is, legally adult.