

Final Score  
1 First listed player wins
2 Second listed player wins
Total Games  
Under Less number of games than given limit (Under)
Over More number of games than given limit (Under)
Total games I set  
Under Less number of games than given limit (Under)
Over More number of games than given limit (Under)
Total games II set  
Under Less number of games than given limit (Under)
Over More number of games than given limit (Under)
Total games III set  
Under Less number of games than given limit (Under)
Over More number of games than given limit (Under)
Win I set  
I 1 First listed player wins first set
I 2 Second listed player wins first set
Win II set  
II 1 First listed player wins second set
II 2 Second listed player wins second set
Win III set  
III 1 First listed player wins third set
III 2 Second listed player wins third set
Handicap Games  
H 1 First listed player wins with handicap
H 2 Second listed player wins with handicap
Handicap I set  
IH 1 First listed player wins more games in first set with handicap
IH 2 Second listed player wins more games in first set with handicap
Handicap II set  
IIH 1 First listed player wins more games in first set with handicap
IIH 2 Second listed player wins more games in first set with handicap
Total sets  
2 Sets Exactly 2 sets on the match
3 Sets Exactly 3 sets on the match
4 Sets Exactly 4 sets on the match
5 Sets Exactly 5 sets on the match
Wins set  
S 1 First listed player wins at least one set on the match
S 2 Second listed player wins at least one set on the match
First Set / End  
I1-1 First listed player win first set and wins the match
I1-2 First listed player win first set and second player wins the match
I2-1 Second listed player win first set and wins the match
I2-2 Second listed player win first set and first player wins the match
Correct score  
2:0 Corect score of the match will be 2:0
2:1 Corect score of the match will be 2:1
3:0 Corect score of the match will be 3:0
3:1 Corect score of the match will be 3:1
3:2 Corect score of the match will be 3:2
2:3 Corect score of the match will be 2:3
1:3 Corect score of the match will be 1:3
0:3 Corect score of the match will be 0:3
1:2 Corect score of the match will be 1:2
0:2 Corect score of the match will be 0:2
Tie Break  
Yes Tie break will be played in the match
No Tie break will not be played in the match